
Monday, 15 June 2015

FF7 Remake

I have complicated feelings in relation to the Final Fantasy VII remake. FF7 is without a doubt one of my favourite games (or possibly my absolute favourite game) ever, so logically I should be excited to see it remade.

However, I also feel like a huge part of why I love it is because of the major things that a remake would change. I love the ridiculous graphics and the fun, campy moments they can provide. I love the horrible translation errors (in which the most shocking and significant scene in the game is accompanied by the misspelling of the word because). I love "this guy are sick" and was crushed when the version available on Steam changed it to "this guy is sick." I love the beautiful backgrounds contrasted with Lego people. I love the way that the graphics add to the charm, camp and often ridiculousness of the game, and also the way that they still function effectively in the game's more serious moments.

I can't imagine the Wall Market with modern graphics. I can't imagine Yuffie angrily shaking her fist at everyone with modern graphics. I can't picture Nanaki and Red in their sailor suits with modern graphics. Chocobo racing with modern graphics would be cool, but altogether a completely different type of experience. These things just worked perfectly with the graphics they had, and I think that remaking them will change the entire experience in a way that will make it a completely different game with a completely different atmosphere altogether.